How Taiwan’s Boba Tea is Conquering the Global World?
Taiwan is famous for more than its museums, parks, and exceptional cuisine. We all have heard about boba tea or bubble tea. Even most of us drink it frequently because of taste and individual look. But do you know what is the origin of this tea? It is Taiwan who started boba tea and today, this tea is famous in the whole world. Simply speaking boba tea is a health conscious choice that isn’t as harmful as tea and coffee. There is literally 0 mg of caffeine in boba. Today, many beverage businesses all over the world are seeking interest in boba tea and even entering the Taiwanese market through English to Taiwan translation services.
These days boba is famous all over the world but the sad part is that we don’t even know who is behind this creation. So let’s get to know about its origin and how boba is taking over everybody’s interest these days.
History of Boba Tea
As mentioned earlier, Taiwan is credited with the origin of boba tea. One story of the origin of bubble tea is that It was Tu Tsong-he who invented bubble tea in 1986 when he got to know about white tapioca balls which he encountered in Ah-bó-liâu’s local market. Also known as pearl tea, bubble tea comprises sugar, milk, tea, and chewy white tapioca balls. Another story is of Lin Hsiu Hui, who was a project development manager at Chun Shui Tang Teahouse in Taichung, Taiwan. It is popular that during a meeting she poured tapioca balls in her cold coffee to make it sweet and quite enjoyed the taste. She even offered that to her colleagues and that’s how the drink gained success.
In the 1990s, Boba gained much popularity when it became a regular drink in Taiwanese teahouses. It was the same decade when boba’s popularity reached the whole world, especially the United States. American cafe owners visited Taiwan to learn about this boba culture and some of them even started businesses in the country. English to Taiwan translation services were of particular help to these American businessmen.
The Charm of a New Drink
Trying a new drink is a complete cultural and fun experience. It’s not just about tasting it, but rather the cultural phenomenons and folklore that come with it. It is about creating a memory sometimes alone and sometimes with the people we love. Boba is a mouthful drink, its creaminess of a milkshake, the bubbles of a soft drink or sparkling water, and the chewiness of tapioca pearls, all add to an exotic experience. Today, it is known all over the world which has given rise to different names such as boba, pearl milk tea, boba milk tea, boba tea, boba nai cha, and tapioca tea.
The Fame of Boba Tea
Though boba tea gained fame in the 1990s, but recently, a trend was observed on social media platforms where influencers made videos saying, “Tell me a more soothing sound than this” and then they shook the boba tea which created sound. The chewy tapioca balls were something new for the audience as well as the wide straw. It piqued people’s interest and they went on trying this new drink.
A lot of food critics gave their remarks on the taste of boba. Some people are of the view that milk bobas are nice as the tapioca balls are chewy in it because of more presence of gelatin. While others believe that fruit bobas are nice because their balls get squishy in the mouth.
The savory and complete taste of both sweet and sour makes boba all the more famous in the world. Its taste and culture make it dominant among other drinks. Also, the no-caffeine system makes it even more loved and encouraged. Other than that, it is not even very costly. The white tapioca balls come in different flavors such as peach, lychee, mango, strawberry, and so many others. The marketing strategy is another cause of its fame. The color schemes that boba cafes use and the fliers are very eye-catching.
Response of Global Beverage Industries
The global beverage industry has taken boba tea with a positive response. Cafe and restaurant owners don’t just add boba to their menu, rather they complete their research as to how refreshing and beneficial the drink is so that if their customers ask about it, they have all the answers. Many Taiwanese boba chains have been opened in the United States. With the help of a translation services company, these Taiwanese businesses translate their businesses for the English speaking audiences and further raise awareness about their refreshing drink, such as Kung Fu Tea.
Final Words!
To sum up, boba is a stimulating and energizing drink whose origin country is Taiwan. Today, it is famous all over the world because of its unique taste. The charm of trying a new drink with friends and family brings people to try boba and later they become its fans. Beverage industries all over the world have positively accepted this new culture and are actively promoting it.
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